What's this site, what's he do?
Click here to see the features Supafan can offer to you! (french only, sorry)
Jul 2023
I saw the comments were broken, since three years :) It's fixed.
Apr 2020
Security holes removed, PHP updated. Maybe some features are now broken.
Creation of new account permanently deleted. If you want to show your drawings, use a recent site :)
Jul 2013
The server was updated.

September 9, 2011 :
Sorry! Supafan is still dead. Well the service works, but it will never be updated
I'd like to tell you about by new project, Amilova. It's a little like the professional version of Supafan. What are the differences? Well it's for comics, not fanarts. It's more pro, more beautiful and for motivated authors. You can read there many cool amateurs comics !
You who is displaying your comics here, don't you want to publish too there? Better comment system, better upload system, and your comic translated in all languages!
Plus, we've launched a comic contest and you can win money and being published!
Read the informations on the contest
Several Supafan authors already joined us, you can do it too. We also have a forum and a cool community :)
I'm not only a coder there, I also publish two comics, Hemispheres (drawn by Gogeta Jr from DBMultiverse!!) and Super Dragon Bros Z.
If you just want to read comics, look at
The list of our comics
January 9, 2009 :
Well, after a lot of problems due to my dead server, Supafan is now back at work at full capacity!
I'm very very sorry. Since two years, not only I happen to not update the site at all, but I also let it down for a full month... -_-
8 March 2008 Update of this main page which contained too much DBZ (and Supafan is opened to much more). Thanks to Faye who remade the title and the left column.
We ave also new banners, see at the bottom of the page !
December 8, 2007 One year without news, I'm sorry !
Supafan isn't abandonned, just frozen. When I'll have time, I'll upgrade the site, I promise !
October 24: Hello ! It's been a while...
I've created a new category : "Non-fanarts". Because there are quite a lot original work around here. I put some of them in this new category, but you're the one who know, at the end.
Sorry for the loss of improvements lately, but I'm very busy with 2 Fight [fr] and ma webcomic Geek's World.
Stats Supafan : this site now contains 1036 DBZ, 300 Anime / Manga, 205 Non-Fanart, 102 Narutos, 30 Berserk, 26 "Films", and ~ 150 misc.
July 25: new add-ons for managing Comics !
In the artist tab, click on "edit" on one of your comics, and then on the link "add pages". You can now see the uploaded pages, and delete some if you made a mistake.
I'm still looking for translators, and also webmaster willing to help making beautiful pages and improving Supafan. Making lots of publicity around you would help, too :)
As soon as I have enough time for other features, I will.
June 5: Supafan now comes with a newsgroup, on which you'll be able to chat about things this site needs, and also help each others on your art and your sites!
If you are a supafan member already, your account is already open with the same login and password. And all new members get automaticaly subscribe to it too.
But lets stop talking and go see forum.supafan.net!
April the 13th: thanks for waiting, I remade at last the page for uploading a new artwork! And now it's in english! Everything should work fine now.
I also added some new subcategories, and will do so when I find out many pictures that would deserve a new one. Note: RPG is not for videos games like Final Fantasy, but for live roleplay games with dice and all.
I also added a licence. I'm sorry, I didn't have the time to translate it yet. Anyway, its says that you understand your pictures will be online on many sites, and you don't give the rights of your arts to anyone. No trick ;)
March the 2nd: two upgrades. First, a RSS flow for webmasters and for ones who don't wanna miss any new creation...
Second, the comments for creations are opened! You'll be able to say what your think of the pictures! Each artist can moderate his own comments, so no need to spam.
There seems to be a bug on the BD creation in the upload page. I'll remake it all soon: fix the bug and write the page in english too. Thanks for waiting ^^
This site is made for all the artists who want to whos their pictures without having to handle a website themselves. Plus they can if they want personalize entierely the display page.
This site is also made for webmaster who want to display fan-art and such galleries in their site. They can easily edit the display to their site colors and put the gallery in many ways.
For both type of person, I'm willing to get your improvement's ideas, additions, and even your help :)
Using it
Look at the exemples of personalised galleries, on the left.
And on the bottom left, you see the latest added pictures, that link to a random webmaster's gallery.
Signing up
They are to ways of uploading your pictures. One, you don't know anything and ask an administrator to upload your pictures.
Two, you upload and handle your pictures yourself. It's easy and you can test freely with the commun test account. Login is "test", password is "test".
Want to be on of us? click here to create your own account
Make us publicity
This, my boy is a greeeat idea. You can put on your site one of the following banners, with a link to the site:
Made by Faye
Made by Shenron